FAQ & Strategic Plan

View HSSA's Strategic Plan Here.

HSSA is evolving and has grown substantially over the years. It was time to update our strategies for accomplishing the mission and goals established for us in the Washington State RCW and Spokane County Resolutions that created HSSA. Learn more about what's coming in the next few years.

Why aren't your grant opportunities posted/available?

HSSA is taking a pause in our grant-making activities to update our Requests for Proposals, scoring criteria, and procedures in keeping with our newly adopted Strategic Plan. Our former funding opportunities sunset after the March 1, 2025 review deadline. We hope to have new information at all levels posted in summer 2025. Please reach out if you have any questions about our work. As usual, you can schedule a meeting with our Executive Director at anytime via her booking page.

How is a grant approved?

Grants are reviewed by our Grants Committee. The Grants Committee is made up of Board Members. The Grants Committee reviews, scores and discusses each application with each other. They make a recommendation to the full Board of Directors. The Board then discusses the application and makes the final decision as a group by vote. These discussions and votes are held at open public meetings and documented in the Board Meeting minutes.

What happens when one of your Board Trustees is an applicant or knows an applicant or has a conflict of interest?

When HSSA was formed the Board of Trustees developed a policy that ensures that our Board is in compliance with the Washington State Ethics in Public Service Act's provisions addressing conflicts of interest, compensation, employment after service, and activities compatible with public duties. It is still in use today.

If a Board Trustee identifies a conflict, they are to notify the Board of Directors, and complete a form recusing themself from discussion or voting on the application. The Policy identifies two types of conflicts of interest, an "interested party" or a person with a "beneficial interest", each has clear definitions too long to go into in our FAQ, along with procedures for how to proceed when a conflict is identified.

Can my business apply for a matching grant if we do not have a presence in Spokane County?

Yes, HSSA can approve an application contingent upon a move of all or part of your operations and staff to Spokane County. Our goals are to improve the bioscience economy in Spokane County and to create well-paying jobs. We will need to see evidence of your commitment to these principles and to improving Spokane County's health and healthcare system in your application.

How is HSSA funded?

HSSA's funds come entirely from Spokane County. We take our responsibilities as stewards of these funds very seriously.

What do you require of your grant recipients?

All HSSA Grant Award Agreements take the form of cost reimbursement contracting. No lump sum will be provided. Grant Recipients can request reimbursement for funds spent in service to their objectives and milestones as stated in the grant application, and in keeping with the budget submitted with your application.

Grant Recipients populate the provided Reimbursement Request Form with their budget and submit a detailed account of their expenses along with documentation of those expenses in the form of paystubs or payroll reports, invoices and receipts.

A semi-annual report on your progress is also a requirement. The form will be included in the Grant Award Agreement. Topics include progress toward milestones, staff added and salaries, economic impact, as well as publications, collaborations, patents and presentations.

We strongly recommend reviewing HSSA's Grant Award Agreement template prior to applying to assure that you understand the terms.