HSSA Votes to Approve Matching Grants Totaling $704,900

Health Sciences and Services Authority of Spokane County (HSSA) is proud to announce the recipients of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development approved at a June 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

HSSA continues to receive an impressive slate of grant applications. At their June 2024 Board Meeting, Trustees approved three matching grant awards totaling $704,900.

An award of $454,900 was made to Glyciome, matching their grants from the National Cancer Institute. The award will further Glyciome's research on a cervical cancer prevention product, and add new staff to their team here in Spokane County.

An award of $150,000 was made to Spokane based Litehouse Health, matching a recent investment from a qualified investor.

An award of $100,000 was made to Parrots, matching a recent investment from a qualified investor. Technology at Parrots is being utilized to help people with Parkinson's Disease, and their award will help add additional staff time to another growing Spokane business.

Additionally, HSSA made a Grant Writing Assistance Micro Award to Crimson Health. These small awards of up to $10,000 help bioscience businesses work with grant writing consultants to increase their likelihood of bringing federal and state grant dollars to Spokane County.

HSSA Welcomes New Board Members

HSSA is pleased to share that several new faces will join the Board of Trustees.

Chandima Bandara, CEO at Photon Biosciences and Precision Quantomics has been appointed by the Board.

Alisha Benson, CEO at Greater Spokane Incorporated has been appointed by the Spokane County Commissioners.

Dr. Vange Ocasio Hochheimer, Professor of Economics at Whitworth University and President and CEO at Grand Fir Analytics has been appointed by the Board.

Dr. Patrick Jones, Executive Director at Eastern Washington University Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis has been appointed by the Board.

Julie Orchard, Service Area Chief Human Resources Officer at Providence Saint Joseph Health has been appointed by the Board.

Dr. Robin Pickering, Chair of the Public Health Department at Gonzaga University and Host of A Closer Look has been appointed by the Board.

We expect a final decision from Governor Inslee about our vacant Washington State Appointment soon.

HSSA Congratulates Mike Wilson on his Icon Award

HSSA extends congratulations to long time Board Member and regional health care leader, Mike Wilson on his 2024 Icon Award from the Spokane Journal of Business!

Pictured here with current HSSA Board Chair, Dr. Francisco Velázquez at the award ceremony.

HSSA Announces Matching Grant Recipients and Grant Writing Assistance Micro Awards

Health Sciences and Services Authority of Spokane County (HSSA) is proud to announce the recipients of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development approved at an April 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

HSSA continues to receive an impressive slate of grant applications. At an April 2024 Special Board Meeting, Trustees approved matching grant awards totaling $500,000.

An award of $250,000 was made to Bovi.Ag. The Yakima based agricultural business has developed technology that will reduce pesticide exposure for tractor operators. They will hire two new staff people with their award, and will move their existing operations to Spokane County as well.

An award of $250,000 was made to Spokane based Gestalt Diagnostics Inc. The award will aid further development and commercialization of PathFlow, adding two new staff people to their ranks.

Additionally, HSSA made two Grant Writing Assistance Micro Awards to Glyciome and Glyxin respectively. These small awards of up to $10,000 help bioscience businesses work with grant writing consultants to increase their likelihood of bringing federal and state grant dollars to Spokane County.

"The Board is pleased to see a broad range of applicants working in many disciplines to improve the health of people around the world, and here in Spokane County. We look forward to following the progress of our most recent grant recipients" says HSSA Board Chair, Dr. Francisco Velázquez.

HSSA of Spokane County promotes bioscience based economic development and advances new therapies and procedures to prevent disease and promote public health. Our priorities are: better health and health care in Spokane County, create well-paying jobs in Spokane County, and power future economic growth in Spokane County. Details about available grant opportunities and application deadlines can be found on our website hssaspokane.org.


Health Sciences and Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County is proud to announce the recipients of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development and Access to Care Grants approved at the December 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

HSSA received an impressive eleven applications for various types of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development totaling $4,485,043. Six Matching Grants were approved for awards totaling $1,379,477. The award recipients below had match from current grants from state and federal agencies, investors, as well as businesses and PDA's.

  • Inherent Biosciences: Expansion of Male Fertility Diagnostic Business to Spokane, WA in Partnership with Allele Diagnostics ($250,000)
  • ILB: Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels and Byproducts for Promoting Human Health Benefits ($175,000)
  • Managed Health Connections: Advanced Contingency Management System for Reduction of Alcohol Use ($499,890)
  • Preveal Technologies, Inc: Feasibility Study of Incite Cognitive Improvement System ($137,275)
  • Qualterra: Industrial Symbiosis 2 ($256,857)
  • Spokane Public Library: StartUp Spokane Resource Toolbox ($60,455)
Additionally, HSSA received twenty-two applications for Access to Care Grants totaling $2,345,333. Eleven Access to Care Grants were approved for a total of $448,432. The purpose of Access to Care Grants is to provide better health and health care to people who are uninsured, under insured or at risk in Spokane County. The award recipients include:
  • CHAS: Language Access is Healthcare Access ($42,331)
  • Community Minded Enterprises: Expanding Access to Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Services ($24,564)
  • Hispanic Business Professionals Association: Esperanza ($50,000)
  • Joya: Extended Pediatric Services Program ($67,500)
  • Latinos En Spokane: Immigrant Healthcare Expansion in Spokane County ($30,000)
  • Mujeres in Action: Behavioral Health Services to Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence ($50,000)
  • Partners with Families and Children: Children’s Advocacy Center Support for Child and Adolescent Victims of Abuse and Neglect ($55,297.50)
  • Peer Spokane: Health through Housing for Spokane Residents ($38,730)
  • Raze Development: Building a Behavioral Health Team for Early Intervention ($30,000)
  • Shades of Motherhood Network: Long Term Sustainability through Billable Programming ($30,000)
  • Spokane Prescription Assistance Network: Continuation of Programming ($30,000)
"The Board was very pleased to see a large pool of applicants for both matching grants for economic development, and for access to care grants. We had to make some tough decisions, but we look forward to seeing what this outstanding group of grantees will accomplish." says HSSA Board Chair, Dr. Francisco Velázquez.

HSSA of Spokane County promotes bioscience based economic development and advances new therapies and procedures to prevent disease and promote public health. Our priorities are: better health and health care in Spokane County, create well-paying jobs in Spokane County, and power future economic growth in Spokane County. Details about available grant opportunities and application deadlines can be found on our website hssaspokane.org.

Notice of Board Vacancies and Call for Applicants

HSSA’s Volunteer Board of Trustees is currently comprised of three people appointed by Washington State, three people appointed by Spokane County, and three people appointed by the City of Spokane. The Board of Trustees seeks to appoint up to five new Trustees to the Board.

The Board seeks applicants from diverse backgrounds. Skills and expertise of particular interest include: public health, legal, human resources, marketing, regulatory environment, grant-making and philanthropy, accounting and cyber security.

Applicants should send a letter of interest and resume to info@hssaspokane.org. The application priority review deadline is February 15, 2024.

More information can be found about HSSA’s Board of Trustees, staff, impact, and grant opportunities at hssaspokane.org.

Health Sciences and Services Authority of Spokane County (HSSA) promotes bioscience based economic development and advances new therapies and procedures to combat disease and promote public health.

HSSA was created in 2007 by Washington State RCW 35.10435.104, and Spokane County Resolution 7-1054. Our duties, priorities, and policy were created by Washington State RCW 3.104.060 104.060 , Spokane County Resolution 8-1056 and renewed until 2038 by Spokane County Resolution 2021-0055.

Our priorities are:

  1. Provide better health and health care in Spokane County.
  1. Create well-paying jobs in Spokane County.
  1. Power future growth in Spokane County.

Former HSSA Executive Director Susan Ashe Wins Buster T and Nancy D Alvord Award from the Northwest Association of Biomedical Research

#thanksresearchgalaSusan Ashe

Retired Executive Director at Health Sciences and Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County, Susan Ashe, will be honored with the Buster and Nancy D Alvord Award from the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research at the 2023 #ThanksResearch Gala on September 21st at the Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle, Washington.

Alvord Awardees are chosen for their general philanthropic impact on communities in the Northwest. They are strong advocates, educators, philanthropists or donors for the local biomedical community.

The Award is being given to Ms. Ashe in recognition of her singular contribution which has enabled Spokane to become a core research hub in the Pacific Northwest.

“There is no doubt that Ms. Ashe’s distinguished career with a particular focus on her most recent role with the HSSA is deserving of recognition with this Award.” said Ken Gordon, Executive Director a the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR).

Ms. Ashe was the founding Executive Director at HSSA and has worked with great success to build a thriving life science ecosystem in the Spokane area. HSSA has awarded over fifty-nine million dollars in grants focused on job creation through biomedical research and access to health care. “Susan had the vision to take HSSA from its humble beginnings to a vital funding partner in our community. Susan is full of grace and grit. She gets things done!” shared founding HSSA Board Chair Nancy Isserlis.

“We invite the community will join us in celebrating Susan’s impressive legacy and tireless work to promote and support bioscience research for a healthier Spokane.” says current HSSA Board Chair Dr. Francisco Velázquez.



The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research #ThanksResearh Gala is a celebration of people, organizations, initiatives, and communities who have worked to improve trust in biomedical research. Trust is fundamental to everything that we do in biomedical research and at this year's Lunchtime Gala we will be celebrating a unique group of awardees who have built trust in their fields.

5 Questions with Photon Biosciences CEO Chandima Bandara

  1. Tell us about your business in two sentences or less.

Photon Biosciences is a company focused on developing and implementing advanced imaging probe technologies that utilize genetically expressible biological imaging molecules for studying and manipulating biological systems. We create innovative tools and methods for applications such as diagnostics, medical imaging, cryo-electron microscopy, to improve scientific understanding and human health.

  1. What inspired you to do this work?

Dr. ChulHee Kang and James Brozik, both esteemed professors at Washington State University, are the visionary scientists who co-founded Photon Biosciences, driven by their passion for advancing the field of biotechnology. Dr. Kang, with expertise in molecular biology and protein engineering, contributes to the development of novel genetically expressible imaging molecules. Dr. Brozik, a specialist in biophysics and fluorescence spectroscopy, enhances the company's capabilities in creating cutting-edge imaging techniques and applications for improved diagnostics and research. Later joined by Chandima Bandaranayaka and Kevin Lewis, the team expanded its interdisciplinary foundation. Chandima, with a scientific background, has expertise in biotechnology business development and operations, while Dr. Lewis contributes his knowledge in the areas of protein engineering, molecular biology and genetics.

  1. What is your hope regarding improving health in Spokane County with your work?

While Spokane's research and development (R&D) sector may be smaller compared to other metropolitan areas, the region possesses a vibrant community with the potential to thrive in the fields of science and healthcare. Despite the current limitations in advanced scientific facilities and challenges in attracting top talent, there is ample opportunity for growth and innovation. Spokane faces healthcare challenges such as a shortage of healthcare providers, limited access to specialty care, and high rates of chronic diseases, particularly in rural areas where accessing high-quality diagnostic tools can be difficult. Photon Biosciences, recognizing the potential of Spokane, specializes in developing advanced medical diagnostics, including high-resolution microscopy and imaging tools. By harnessing local resources and expertise, Photon Biosciences aims to improve diagnosis, reduce healthcare costs, and ultimately enhance the overall quality of health in Spokane and its surrounding communities..

  1. What is your hope regarding powering Spokane County's economy with your work/business?

Spokane, WA is becoming a prominent health innovation hub, offering a dynamic environment that fosters collaboration between researchers, medical institutions, and biotechnology companies. With our partnership, Photon Biosciences, a pioneer in fluorescence detection technology, Spokane can leverage this expertise to accelerate the development of novel diagnostics, further solidifying its position as a leader in healthcare innovation. This symbiotic relationship not only enhances Spokane's reputation as a premier destination for biotech investments and talent, but also drives significant advancements in medical science that ultimately benefit the entire community.

  1. Please share a short story that gives us insight into your impact.

Photon Biosciences specializes in advanced fluorescence detection technology, a field with the potential to significantly impact cardiac marker testing and improve patient outcomes. Dr. Kevin Lewis, a leading scientist at Photon Biosciences, recognizes the importance of enhancing diagnostic sensitivity and introducing multiplexing capabilities in cardiac marker tests. He knows that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 17.9 million deaths annually, and early and accurate diagnosis can help reduce the number of fatalities.

Through dedicated research and collaboration with other experts in the field, Dr. Lewis and his team is developing an innovative cardiac marker test that provides superior diagnostic sensitivity and multiplexing ability. This innovation allows healthcare professionals to detect multiple cardiac biomarkers simultaneously, enabling faster and more accurate identification of heart attacks.

The test being developed by Photon Biosciences holds great potential for use in pre-hospital settings, such as during the average 45-minute ambulance ride to the hospital. This early testing enroute to the hospital can provide valuable information for healthcare professionals, allowing them to prepare appropriate treatment options even before the patient arrives. This expedited diagnostic process can significantly improve patient outcomes and increase the likelihood of survival.

The adoption of the new technology in hospitals and emergency medical services has the potential to reduce the number of deaths due to heart attacks. By improving the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of cardiac marker testing, Photon Biosciences could play a crucial role in saving lives and enhancing cardiac care.

Learn More About Photon Biosciences at https://photonbiosciences.com/home-1

Pictured Below Dr. Kevin Lewis and Chandima Bandara at the Photon Biosciences lab.

5 Quick Questions with Carol Plischke of Partners with Families & Children

Partners with Families & Children is an HSSA Access to Care Grant Recipient.

Tell us about your organization in two sentences or less.
Partners with Families & Children’s mission is to prevent, interrupt and repair cycles of abuse and neglect within families.

What inspired you to do this work?

I was exposed to traumatic stories of child abuse when I was a volunteer with another organization. Because of that, I moved from the “for-profit” world to working in the non-profit world with a passion for serving abused and neglected children. Part of my life mission statement is to make a positive difference in the lives of abused children and to help strengthen families to provide the best environment for children to thrive.

How is your work improving the health care system or health outcomes in Spokane County?

Partners provides trauma informed specialized child abuse medical exams and the needed wrap around services to heal for child victims of abuse under one roof. If we were not able to serve these children, they would have to go to the Children’s Hospital Emergency Department. Already overwhelmed hospital system services are at a much higher cost plus more trauma for the child and their families.

What can others in our community do about child abuse/to prevent child abuse?

Familiarize yourself with the different signs and types of abuse, teach children their rights about their bodies, support local prevention programs, and most importantly report any suspected abuse.

Please share a short story that gives us insight into your impact.

Partners recently provided training for the Spokane Police Department patrol officers, letting them know who we are and what services we provide. Shortly after completing the trainings, we received a call from one of the Corporals on a team who had responded to a call from a parent who shared that something had happened to their daughter and another young peer person. They asked if they could refer them directly to us rather than sending the child to the hospital. We were able to see them that afternoon and our courthouse facility dog, Tori, was able to accompany her the whole way through. We were able to call for advocacy support and mental health support for the mom as well. Overall, this went well and is a great example of how we can support these families right away.

Photo Credit: Spokane Journal of Business

HSSA Announces Awards for 2023 "Access to Care" Grants

The Health Sciences and Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County has announced its 2023 recipients if its annual Access to Care grants who will receive a total funding of $471,400. These awardees participate in a competitive process whose applicants submitted proposals totaling over $1.3 million.

The Community-Minded Enterprises will receive $75,000 for a Behavioral Health Clinic at its downtown location and will address substance abuse recovery, and will create self-sufficiency through third-party awards.

Joya Child & Family Development will receive $68,400 for its Family Resource Center to hire a Family Resource Coordinator to increase early intervention for infants and toddlers.

The Hispanic Business Professional Association (HBPA) will receive $50,000 for its Esperanza (HOPE) that will support 100-150 Hispanics and Latinos to connect to health, mental health, food and other services who have not been receiving these services due to language barriers and housing instability.

Maddie’s Place Pediatric Transitional Care Facility will receive $95,000 to increase the space for the number of infants who suffer from neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Hospitals have had to reduce the time addicted new mothers and babies stay and there were no places for the babies who need specialized care provided at Maddie’s Place. This new facility is only the fourth in the nation to provide these important services.

Partners with Families and Children Children’s Advocacy Center will receive $85,500 in 2023 to help it continue to meet the growing needs of our community’s most vulnerable population, children who are victims of physical and/or sexual abuse.

HSSA will grant Passages Family Support $67,500 to be used toward the purchase of a used RV to deliver behavioral services into the community with Certified Peer Counselors.

Spokane Prescription Assistance Network (SPAN) will receive $30,000. It is one of the most cost-effective programs HSSA funds with a 27 to 1 return on investment. SPAN provides free and lost-cost prescriptions to patients who otherwise cannot afford them.

“HSSA’s mission includes increasing access to care through innovative and collaborative health care delivery in the County, in addition to funding scientific research and infrastructure to grow the life sciences industry in Spokane,” said Jason Thackston, HSSA Board Chair.

HSSA’s grant competition helps to meet one of its strategic goals to increase access to health delivery services in Spokane County for at risk populations and represents a fund of about 15 percent of annual revenues designated for this purpose.

“To date HSSA has awarded approximately $4.5 million in this category, providing resources to those organizations in our County who do the important work with people who might otherwise not receive health care services, and HSSA’s Access to Care grant program also helps decrease costs while improving health care services,” Thackston said.

HSSA’s other strategic initiative is to increase local health sciences research and the infrastructurethat supports it and designates 75 percent of its revenues for that purpose. In the latter case, the grants are open year-round for proposals at any time, and HSSA has invested over $8 million in health science research and infrastructure grants to date. HSSA was successful in achieving reauthorization for 15 years by the legislature, thanks to state and local legislative leadership and local partners, Thackston said.

Together with its Access to Care grants, the organization estimates that it has created over 500 jobs and over $100 million in total economic activity. This includes over $ 70 million in extramural federal grant funding to Spokane. More information about all HSSA grants may be found at www.hssaspokane.org.

About Our Board:

HSSA Board members include Jason Thackston, Board Chair, Senior VP, Chief Strategy & Clean Energy Officer, Avista Corp.; Daryll DeWald, Ph.D, VP WSU Health Sciences and Chancellor, WSU Spokane; AllisonGlasunow, Ph,D & Counsel, Perkins Coie LLP; Alex Jackson, Senior VP & CEO, Northwest Region, MultiCare Health Systems; Kevin Oldenburg, Ph.D. CEO/President, 2nd Sight Bioscience; Alison Poulsen, Executive Director, Better Health Together; Darryl Potyk, M.D., UW/GU Regional Director of Medical Education; David J. Vachon, Ph.D, CEO/Founder, Iasis Molecular Sciences, and Francisco Velazquez,M.D., Director, Spokane Regional Health District.

About HSSA:

The Health Sciences & Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County was established in 2007 for 15 years by the Washington legislature, authorized county-wide by Spokane County in 2008 and began operating in 2009. In 2019 it was reauthorized for an additional 15 years effective January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2038. Its mission is to invest in health sciences research to promote economic development, advance new therapies and procedures to combat disease, and to promote public health. HSSA invests funds to create and support a nationally competitive health sciences research cluster in Spokane County, and works to catalyze higher education research and the private sector health sciences industry that will lead to higher wage jobs, long-term sustainability and economic diversification. For more information, visit our website at www.hssaspokane.org or call 509.474.0798.