Health Sciences and Services Authority (HSSA) of Spokane County is proud to announce the recipients of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development and Access to Care Grants approved at the December 2023 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

HSSA received an impressive eleven applications for various types of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development totaling $4,485,043. Six Matching Grants were approved for awards totaling $1,379,477. The award recipients below had match from current grants from state and federal agencies, investors, as well as businesses and PDA's.

  • Inherent Biosciences: Expansion of Male Fertility Diagnostic Business to Spokane, WA in Partnership with Allele Diagnostics ($250,000)
  • ILB: Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels and Byproducts for Promoting Human Health Benefits ($175,000)
  • Managed Health Connections: Advanced Contingency Management System for Reduction of Alcohol Use ($499,890)
  • Preveal Technologies, Inc: Feasibility Study of Incite Cognitive Improvement System ($137,275)
  • Qualterra: Industrial Symbiosis 2 ($256,857)
  • Spokane Public Library: StartUp Spokane Resource Toolbox ($60,455)
Additionally, HSSA received twenty-two applications for Access to Care Grants totaling $2,345,333. Eleven Access to Care Grants were approved for a total of $448,432. The purpose of Access to Care Grants is to provide better health and health care to people who are uninsured, under insured or at risk in Spokane County. The award recipients include:
  • CHAS: Language Access is Healthcare Access ($42,331)
  • Community Minded Enterprises: Expanding Access to Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation and Services ($24,564)
  • Hispanic Business Professionals Association: Esperanza ($50,000)
  • Joya: Extended Pediatric Services Program ($67,500)
  • Latinos En Spokane: Immigrant Healthcare Expansion in Spokane County ($30,000)
  • Mujeres in Action: Behavioral Health Services to Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence ($50,000)
  • Partners with Families and Children: Children’s Advocacy Center Support for Child and Adolescent Victims of Abuse and Neglect ($55,297.50)
  • Peer Spokane: Health through Housing for Spokane Residents ($38,730)
  • Raze Development: Building a Behavioral Health Team for Early Intervention ($30,000)
  • Shades of Motherhood Network: Long Term Sustainability through Billable Programming ($30,000)
  • Spokane Prescription Assistance Network: Continuation of Programming ($30,000)
"The Board was very pleased to see a large pool of applicants for both matching grants for economic development, and for access to care grants. We had to make some tough decisions, but we look forward to seeing what this outstanding group of grantees will accomplish." says HSSA Board Chair, Dr. Francisco Velázquez.

HSSA of Spokane County promotes bioscience based economic development and advances new therapies and procedures to prevent disease and promote public health. Our priorities are: better health and health care in Spokane County, create well-paying jobs in Spokane County, and power future economic growth in Spokane County. Details about available grant opportunities and application deadlines can be found on our website hssaspokane.org.