HSSA Votes to Approve Matching Grants Totaling $704,900

Health Sciences and Services Authority of Spokane County (HSSA) is proud to announce the recipients of Matching Grants for bioscience based economic development approved at a June 2024 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

HSSA continues to receive an impressive slate of grant applications. At their June 2024 Board Meeting, Trustees approved three matching grant awards totaling $704,900.

An award of $454,900 was made to Glyciome, matching their grants from the National Cancer Institute. The award will further Glyciome's research on a cervical cancer prevention product, and add new staff to their team here in Spokane County.

An award of $150,000 was made to Spokane based Litehouse Health, matching a recent investment from a qualified investor.

An award of $100,000 was made to Parrots, matching a recent investment from a qualified investor. Technology at Parrots is being utilized to help people with Parkinson's Disease, and their award will help add additional staff time to another growing Spokane business.

Additionally, HSSA made a Grant Writing Assistance Micro Award to Crimson Health. These small awards of up to $10,000 help bioscience businesses work with grant writing consultants to increase their likelihood of bringing federal and state grant dollars to Spokane County.