Upcoming Events
Here are some upcoming life sciences events for your calendars.
- Feb. 23rd - 2016 Health Care Forum, 7:30 AM, Davenport Hotel, Pennington Ballroom. Details at www.greaterspokane.org/events
- Feb. 24th - Health Symposium, 5-8 PM, Chateau Rive, Flour Mill, Contact Bozzi Media at www.eventful.com
- March 31st - Eastern WA Life Sciences Leadership Summit, 10 AM-6PM, WSU Spokane, more details from www.lifesciencewa.org (formerly WBBA)l
- June 1-2 - Life Sciences Innovation Northwest, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA. Details and to register from www.lifesciencewa.org
Please let HSSA know if you have life science events you would like mentioned here and on our social media.